Do We Need Too Big Too Fail Banks?

Here comes a book which argues, quite to the contrary of conventional wisdom that we need even bigger banks.

IF ANY good has come out of the financial crisis that reached its peak in late 2008 it has been a plethora of useful books. These have ranged from “Too Big to Fail”, Andrew Ross Sorkin’s fly-on-the-wall account of the efforts by the Federal Reserve and America’s Treasury Department to save the banking system, to the more recent analytical work of Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig in “The Bankers’ New Clothes”. A common theme of many of these books has been that big banks are dangerous, regulations are worryingly lax and bankers are self-serving maniacs who need to be curbed.   Is there a flip side of the coin?  Banks- Do We Need Too Big To Fails

Not Big Enough

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