Financial Experience & Behavior in US Women

A study by Prudential comes to these conclusions:

  • 53% of the more than 1,400 women surveyed were primary earners, as a result of partners losing jobs during the financial crisis, divorce, and deciding to marry later.
  • Only 23% of women feel “well prepared” to make financial decisions compared with 45% of men. 
  • Only 10% of female breadwinners feel very knowledgeable about financial products and services, and are only half as likely to feel well prepared to make wise financial decisions than men.
  • 33% of Asian American and 31 percent of African American married women are the higher-income earners, compared with 19 percent of white women.
  • Baby Boomer and younger women are “not prepared” for retirement, but women under 35 show more interest in both financial empowerment and the value of financial advice.   Financial Experience & Behavior in Women      Maya Zankoul

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