How Important Are Investment Managers?

Regulators are beginning to look at the impact, not of assets gone sour, but of the sheer volume of trades one institution makes.

Regulators want not merely to prevent a repeat of the last blow-up but also to identify the sources of future systemic perils, BlackRock investment managers raises a subtle issue concerning not the ownership of assets but the way buying and selling decisions are made. The $US15 trillion of assets managed on its Aladdin platform amount to around 7% of all the shares, bonds and loans in the world. As a result, those who oversee many of the world’s biggest pools of money are looking at the financial world, at least in part, through a lens crafted by BlackRock. Some 17,000 traders in banks, insurance companies, sovereign-wealth funds and others rely in part on BlackRock’s analytical models to guide their investing. A dangerous skew?

The Economist reports:  Black Rock Rocks the Financial World

Investment Advisors

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