We Need More Emirati Women In Financial Services

The private sector needs to follow the UAE government’s example and push for female board members.

Statistics show the Gulf lags behind much of the developed world in workplace gender diversity. This is clearest at the top, just 1.5 per cent of board seats in the UAE are held by women. This drops to 1.2 per cent for companies listed on the Dubai Financial Market and 0.8 per cent for those listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange.

In workforce terms, the difference between the public and private sectors is marked; women make up 66 per cent of the former but only five per cent of the latter. Getting more women into both the private sector and leadership positions is key to addressing inequality, but will also help meet the Government’s Emiratisation targets.

Finally, it may be good financial news for companies – research suggests companies with more women at management level do better.
We Need More Emirati Women In Financial Services

W-T-W Finance Women Integrity Awards:
Doaa Eladl
We are Equal


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