Women Need To Get Serious About Emergency Savings

Two years ago, I had a string of bad luck. First, I needed an operation to remove a small tumor. Then, my beloved Subaru Outback (with more than 120,000 miles) needed major repairs. And, most sadly, my colicky 13-year-old horse was rushed to surgery. She didn’t survive….

Emergency Funds: Women vs. Men 

In that study, only 43% of women overall reported having an emergency fund, compared with 63% of men. The gap was even wider between women and men age 55 to 64. Just 58% of women in that age group had an emergency fund, while 82% of men did.

I find this all pretty disturbing. Emergency savings are especially critical in your 50s or 60s, when life can really throw you a curveball, from losing a job to unforeseen home repairs.
Women Need To Get Serious About Emergency Savings

Women Need To Get Serious About Emergency Savings

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