Clinton’s Connection to the Panama Papers Leak

It appears that in the wake of the Panama Paper Leaks, the Bill and Hillary Clinton family fortune may have been acquired through partners with numerous offshore entities.

The organization that makes up Mrs.Clinton’s enormous collaborative team of investors has been operating with funds that have been fused with offshore accounts from around the world. Giving Hillary a direct link to one of the biggest offshore accounting scandals.

Two of the leading partners in the Clinton financial family, Canadian business executive known for his mining and filmmaking endeavors Frank Giustra and the Chagoury family in Nigeria, have been using the law firm Mossack Fonseca, the center of the Panama Paper investigation, to move and exchange their assets. Giustra, one the largest financiers to Hillarys financial foundation, gave more than $25 million. Whereas, the Chagoury family has committed to giving $1 billion.

Giustra used Mossack Fonseca back in 2005 to created UrAsia Energy, a company that acquired uranium concessions in Kazakhstan with the aid of Bill Clinton. UrAsia Energy was one of the companies responsible for sending a section of the 20 percent of American uranium production into the hands of the Russian Government. In 2010, UrAsia Energy sold the uranium assets they had acquired in the United States to the Russian State Nuclear Academy.  Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State had to sign off an approval before the control of large amounts of uranium were turned over to the Russian government.

This is not the first time that the Clinton’s financial contributors have been linked to offshore accounts. Two years ago it was discovered, by a Swiss whistleblower, that up to $81 million has been given to the Clinton Foundation by means of Swiss accounts.

Contributors who financed the Clintons through their Swiss accounts were Richard Caring, a British businessman, who donated $1 million in 2005.Frank Gisutra also had a Swiss account and donated up to $10 millionbetween 2006 and 2007. Eli Broad an American entrepreneur donated over $1 million to the Clintons from his Swiss account.

With Mrs. Clinton’s donors and contributors not able to hide away their assets anymore, who will be funding her campaign?

Original  Dieter Huthmacher

Dieter Huthmacher