Why Manipulate Rice Production?

Crop subsidies may aid farmers, but they can often hurt consumers.

Asia consumes 90 percent of the world’s rice.  Political tensions in the area often drive governments to become self-sufficient producers.  This can drive the local price of rice up and cut off the supply of imported rice.

When governments manipulate the rice market through subsidies, taiffs and other support for domestic producers, prices are raised for consumers and the poorest people suffer.

Rice is used for all kinds of food by people of all ages in Asia.  Babies and the elderly eat ric gruel.  Rice porridge is eaten by the wealthy.  Sake made from rice is sipped in karaoke bars.

Rice is also cultural and religious symbol.  This makes the food politically charged.  Yet raising the price of rice is not good for countries whose poor and moderately poor people depend on it.

Does rice have to be grown locally in Asia to be readily available?