Trump Populism in the US Presidential Campaign

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is echoing Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in his push to make college tuition more affordable, saying Thursday that the U.S. should “start some governmental program.”

Trump said,  “Well, the only way you can do it is you have to start some governmental program and you have governmental programs right now…We’re going to do something very big with loans because you have to get these people going. They really feel down and out.”

Warren has proposed such measures during her tenure in the Senate, calling for reforms to the way college education operates in the United States.

In June, Warren unveiled a plan that would create a new government program that would give states money so that they could keep tuition low. As Inside Higher Education notes:  “Warren wants a new federal program that would provide funds to states that make some public higher education options so inexpensive that borrowing would not be required, and she wants more federal funding to come with more strings attached.”

In addition, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has proposed “free” tuition by reforming the education system, making it a central theme of his 2016 campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination.

Warren has also stated that there are too many institutions of higher learning, traditionally a conservative position.  For people around the globe who are confused by the 2016 Presidential  campaign in the US, I is well to look at Trump, Warren and Sanders as populists.