Entrepreneur Alert: Doing Business in Pakistan?

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said Pakistan’s economy has been stabilizing due to prudent policies of current government.i

Sharif has urged the United States (US) for the withdraw travel advisories on Pakistan and grant access to Pakistani products to its markets.

In his address with the US-Pakistan Business Council in Washington, he highlighted how Pakistan has emerged as an attractive and thriving market for business and investment opportunities,.

“Pakistan has greatly improved its internal security situation, as well as achieved effective governance and public service delivery, resulting in robust economic indicators, in a short span of time,” Sharif said.

“We are confident that the improved security situation in Pakistan would lead to withdrawal of travel advisories on Pakistan.”

Pakistan has one of the most attractive investment regimes in the world, allowing foreign investors 100% repatriation of profits and easy convertibility into foreign exchange, he noted.

“Numerous investment opportunities are available in the energy, consumer goods, food & agriculture, housing, health care, education; finance Services, capital markets, information technology, oil & gas and infrastructure sectors of Pakistan.”

“No region has lagged as far behind in the world today as South Asia. To lift our people out of poverty, we must first of all establish peace in the region,” said the Pakistan PM. “We, therefore, seek good relations with all its neighbors.”

United States Treasury Secretary, Jack J. Lew talked to Sharif. Lew congratulated Pakistan for successfully implementing the government’s economic reform agenda which has resulted in macro-economic stability, rebuilding of foreign exchange reserves, and continuing reforms in the energy sector.

He also expressed the desire to deepen economic cooperation between the two countries.

PM Sharif underlined the government’s policies aimed at structural, energy, fiscal and monetary reforms in the short and medium term which have led to improved economic indicators for Pakistan.

He briefly touched on the legislative progress the government has made in the financial, taxation and other relevant fields.
