Trump’s Run No Mystery

Why Donald Trump in the US?  Jeb Bush, the party’s apparent favorite, has said that he would speak from his heart.  Americans seem to want someone who will tell it like it is, which is a bit different.

On the Democrats side, Bernie Sanders is popular because he tells his truth about the issues.  When he speaks, potential voters feel that he is addressing issues as he sees them.  He is not programed by advertising and public relations people.

Trump has the same appeal.  James Surowiecki, a leading financial reporter, writes best about Trump’s appeal:  Trump’s lack of interest in policy and his inflammatory rhetoric make him easy to dismiss him a a candidate and it is difficult to take him seriously as the Republican nominee.  But his bizarre blend of populist message and glitzy ways has allowed him to connect with precisely the voters that any Republican needs to get elected: white voters with no education.  As long as he’s in the race, he is a big problem for the party.  He’s appealing to a very important part of the base, and bringing out issues other candidates don’t want to talk about.  Republicans may be hoping his campaign is a joke, but right now he’s the only one who is laughing.

Trumps Run