Watching Apple

Apple once again beat Wall Street’s forecasts for revenues, earnings and iPhone sales with its results for the second quarter, as it said it would return another $70 billion to shareholders.  The world’s most valuable company by market capitalisation posted revenue growth of 27% to $58 billion, ahead of analysts’ expectations of around $56 billion, thanks to stronger-than-anticipated iPhone sales, up 40% to 61.2 million units. Apple said that it would expand its dividends and buyback scheme to return a total of $200 billion to shareholders by the end of March 2017, up from the $130 billionn programme of a year ago. That includes a 11% dividend increase and a further $50 billion in share repurchases. 

Apple is an interesting lesson for entrepreneurs.  Give the market what they don’t know they want but discover that they do.  Is the watch going to work?

Apple Watch