Women Entrepreneurs: Create Memory Forests?

Women entrepreneurs.  Are memory forests the net graveyards:  Jeffrey Tousey writes: What if we could end up in a beautiful place like this?

Italian designers Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel have come up with an idea.

I think I might really be into it:

Capsula Mundi is a 100% biodegradable coffin.

It’s shaped like an egg and made from from starch plastic (which is made primarily from potato and corn plants).

For burial, the body is placed inside the capsule in the fetal position.

The egg is then planted in the soil, and a tree is planted on top of it.

There are a variety of trees you can pick from, and you can decide which one you want or let your family deal with the logistics.

Wouldn’t it be great to know that your body is helping provide oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity, clean water and air, conserving energy, slowing down climate change, and protecting wildlife, among other things?

Unfortunately, this type of burial is not yet legal in the United States or Italy. But it’s certainly worth giving it some thought.

(Memory forests don’t exist yet, but this is what I imagine one would look like.)

When it’s my time to go six feet under, I would find a lot of comfort in knowing it’s so a tree can grow.

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