Has the UK Become a Prostitute State?

Donnachadh McCarthy has written a book about based on his early  experiences in British poltiics.  He was a Deputy Chair of the Liberal Democrats during the two years leading up to the Iraq War and an elected member of its Federal Executive for 7 years.  He was a founder and a leader of the “new radicalism” Lib Dem campaign group for six years. During this period he was one of the party’s most successful developers of conference policy proposals.

The summer of 2014 marked the 22nd anniversary of his involvement as an environmental campaigner, after spending time with the Yanomami people in the heart of the Amazon forest and seeing first-hand the destruction wreaked there by our consumer anti-society. Since then I have pursued many paths to try and tackle this.  Here is an outline of his book.

Pillar 1 – Our Corrupted Democracy
As a senior Lib-Dem I got a wide range of eco-friendly and progressive policies adopted by the party-conference. But invariably the corporate lobbyists, who surrounded the party’s leadership, smothered almost every single democratic decision. Reams of the top party echelons are or were corporate lobbyists. It is the same in the other major parties. Corporate lobbyists are calling the shots, not we the voters. Take for example the nuclear industry.

Almost every single former Labour Minister for Energy is a lucratively paid nuclear-lobbyist, as was Nick Clegg’s last general election Lib Dem Treasurer. Despite the public favouring renewable-power over nuclear by huge margins, all three main parties are now committed to pouring billions of our money into poisonous new nuclear white-elephants. Huge swathes of government are now under corporate influence including our civil-service, the armed forces and police, the House of Lords and even our regulatory systems.  The Prostitute State  Available at Barnes and Noble. 

The Prostitute State

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