Turkey: Former First Lady Speaks out on Education

Riada Ašimović Akyol writes:   Hayrunnisa Gul, the former first lady of Turkey, speaks with unusual frankness about education.  Journalist Ahu Ozyurt wrote, “Mrs. Hayrunnisa Gul is a symbol of typical Turkish women: a powerhouse who stands by her man. A kind and gentle mother who keeps her silence until that last drop. But when she is done, she is done for good

The former first lady spoke of her continuing education at Turkey’s renowned Bogazici University and many other topics in an interview with Al-Monitor.

Gul:  Like many other countries, we still have a long and difficult way to go in terms of women’s empowerment. That’s a fact. Despite all the measures taken, women still lack adequate access to educational opportunities. And when women are deprived of education, it’s unrealistic to expect them to participate equally in working life or play an influential role in decision-making in politics and the bureaucracy.

But on this issue, too, I believe in women’s strength. For years, I’ve been telling families — especially mothers, the pillars of families — the following: “Educate your children, especially your daughters. A good education is the most precious inheritance you’ll leave them. Only with education can you prepare them for life and empower them against the hardships they’ll face. By depriving your daughters of education, you leave them vulnerable to all sorts of lifelong exploitation and abuse. Empower them with education.”   Interview with Gul


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