W-T-W Women and Finance Cartoon of the Year

Dagmar Frank announces the winner of W-T-W.org Women and Finance Cartoon of the Year.  Congratulations to Rodrigo de Matos for “Fight Corruption.”  On a website dedicated in part to the definition and exploration of corruption, de Matos’ subtle, feminine portrayal of corruption’s insidious role in society highlights the problem with a cruel grace.

Cartoon of the YearSecond prize to Claudio Munoz for “Put More Women on Boards”  Throughout the world, in leigislation, and through the imposition of quotas and societa debate, the role women can play on corporate boards is a hot issue.  Munoz suggests why it may be a problem.

Claudio MunozThird prize to Dr. Jan Tomaschoff for Tapering versus Quantitative Easing.  The issue of Central Banks throughout the world taking control of the financial system and the impact this has worldwide is dramatically portrayed by Tomaschoff’s push me/pull you.

Dr. Jan Tomaschoff

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