Cyprus: Opportunities Mired

Yusuf Kanli writes:  Expectations for a quick fix to the crisis in the Cyprus talks process appear to have come to a dead end. Turkey is reiterating that under no condition will it agree to abandon support for the equal partnership rights of the Turkish Cypriot people on – as well as off – the island, with the Greek Cypriots.  Greek Cypriots are stressing that talks might become “feasible” only if Turkey removes its Barbaros seismological ship and the accompanying navy ships from the “Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone.”

Turkish President Reep Tayyip Erdogan was the last and the highest Turkish official to reiterate that there will be no step back in Turkey’s position.Turkey will never steer clear of recent developments in Cyprus. Erdoğan’s strong words, on the other hand, demonstrated the determination in Ankara not to waiver under duress – particularly amid pressure from the Americans and the British, who have been relentlessly working behind the scenes to get the talks back on track. Instead, Turkey has been following a policy of reasserting in every possible way the equal partnership rights of the Turkish Cypriot people on Cyprus.

But can anyone compromise while the strongest man in the country is so adamant? In the absence of President Nicos Anastasiades, can the acting president return to talks? Even if acting President Ioannakis Omiriu wanted to prove his presidential skill in this transition period – which could be extended to weeks, if not months – before Turkey withdraws its ships, he cannot do so because of public pressure.

With no change or even softening in the positions of the sides on the problem, the approaching Christmas expiration of the first phase of drilling by the Eni-Kogas consortium in the disputed area and the expiry of the Navtex issued by Turkey on Nov. 30 might not mean an end to the standoff.

Greek Cypriots must understand what the Americans, the British and many others wishing to see a settlement in Cyprus have finally started to acknowledge; namely, that a Cyprus settlement requires the recognition of the equal partnership rights of Turkish Cypriots on the land, in the air and on the sea, as well as in the sovereignty and administration of the island. Their recognition as the Cyprus government does not mean that Turkish Cypriots will surrender to their domination, forgetting that they are one of the two founding peoples of the Republic of Cyprus which was forcefully destroyed by Greek Cypriots by aspiring to join Greece. The more they continue to deploy the rhetoric that the Cypriot Republic will continue and the Turkish Cypriots will be thrown a few added minority rights, there will be no settlement. On the contrary, partition will be consolidated.

What will happen now? Will Anastasiades manage to come back healthy enough to continue his presidency, or will there be – as expected – an early presidential vote later this summer? Will incumbent Turkish Cypriot President Derviş Eroğlu be re-elected in April, or will there be a change? Not only are prospects dimming for a quick fix in the talks, but there are abundant signs of further complications.

The Republic of Cyprus is a member of the European Union. The EU’s body of common rights and obligations is suspended in the area administered by Turkish Cypriots pending a Cyprus settlement. U.S. exports and projects involving U.S. investment are primarily in the energy, financial services, tourism, logistics, and consumer goods sectors. There may be additional opportunities for investment in Cyprus’ growing energy sector. U.S. imports from Cyprus include agricultural products, salt, and minerals. Bilateral business ties also encompass a healthy exchange in services.
Greeks and Turks on Cyprus

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