To Frack or Not to Frack?

John Hickenlopper, governor of Colorado, has an even-handed and clear approach to fracking.  He supports the technology associated with hydraulic fracturing used to extract oil and natural gas.

Hickenlooper governs an energy rich state. He is up for re-election in the US this Tuesday and in a tight race.  He bravely and intelligently argues that fracking can be safe if it is done right.   He takes seriously complaints about unsafe measures.

Colorado has mandated disclosure of fracking fluid ingredients and additional groundwater testing, while designing stricter air quality regulations.  Before the regulations are passed, the govenror gets a buy-in from industry and environmentalists.

The governor sought out measures to provide an altnernative to ballot measures that might have crippled drilling.  The state has a chance to reach a compromise on local control of driling.

Hickenlooper has been a leader on a very controversial subject.

To Frack or Not to Frack?

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