Bears Milked for Bile in Asia

Robert Carmichael writes:  13,000 bears lived in small, cramped cages on ‘bear bile’ farms in China, Vietnam, laso and Myanmar.  They are milked for their bile, , a bitter, greenish-yelow digtive fuied produced by the gallbladder and used in tradiotional sian medicine.

The trafficking of wild-caught bears and bear parts receives less attention than the illicit trade in other exotic animals, such as elephants, rhinos, and tigers. Yet it is big business in Asia: A whole gallbladder can be worth as much as $2,000 in parts of the continent, while bear paws smuggled into China, where they are considered a delicacy, can be sold for more than 20 times what they cost to purchase in Russia. (Few estimates exist for the overall size of the bear trafficking industry in particular, but in 2012 the World Wildlife Fund placed the overall value of the global illicit trade in wildlife as high as $10 billion a year.) And unlike in the case of elephants and rhinos, which are protected by dedicated, sophisticated — and in some cases armed — task squads, bear trafficking takes place nearly unchecked across Asia, from Pakistan to Japan, from Russia to Indonesia, driven by corruption made worse by complacency and an international community that pays it little attention.    Bear Traffic

Bear Bile

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