Tech Industry Good for Women at the Top

If you were Marissa Mayer of Yahoo, making nearly $25 million for one year’s worth of work — not to mention getting $50,000 in company-paid personal security — the gender pay gap would probably not be a major concern. Women scaling the heights of corporate America tend to have compensation packages that are as jaw-droppingly gigantic as men at a similar level.

On the Equilar list, the technology industry has the most women — Ms. Mayer, Virginia M. Rometty of IBM and Meg Whitman of Hewlett-Packard. Their median pay, $17.6 million, is more than that of the male tech chiefs, who earn $15.9 million. The pay of at least three other women who are high-profile tech executives would have put them on the list had they been chief executives, according to Equilar: Safra A. Catz, president and chief financial officer of Oracle ($43.6 million); Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook ($16.1 million); and Angela Ahrendts, the new retail chief at Apple. Her salary and bonus have not yet been released, but her equity award alone would catapult her near the top of the list, at $68.5 million.

One reason tech might be better for women on the executive track is that the industry is young and fast-moving, without the entrenched behaviors and prejudices of more traditional businesses.

“Because the industry’s reinventing itself all the time, there’s not a set model about who could or should be successful,” said Susan Wojcicki, the chief executive of YouTube.

That became clear when Yahoo hired Ms. Mayer as chief executive when she was seven months pregnant — a decision that would be hard to imagine in more conservative industries like finance.

Tech jobs generally tend to be more flexible about priorities outside work, especially for high-performing employees the companies do not want to lose. The result is a narrower pay gap in tech, along with other benefits for women. Ms. Wojcicki insists on being home from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. to be with her four children.  Women CEOs

Women CEOs

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