W-T-W Finance Honor Roll

W-T-W explores issues effecting women and finance. Corruption is a major problem, particularly for women and their children, as trillions of dollars of public funds are drained by corrupt practices around the world.

Corruption disproportionately effects women and children.  By diverting money legitimately owed to governments, local and national, the public good is diminished.   Honor women who stand up and fight for their children’s education and general well-being.

W-T-W wants to encourage women networks around the world to Honor Roll women who fight corruption.

When people hear you blowing the whistle, they balk.  They make life tough. So those who stand up, stand out and fight for what’s right should be honored.

A woman’s intuition is her strongest tool.  If you sense something, probe.

How can women work against corruption?
If you see something, say something!

How can women work against corruption? If you see something, say something!

1 thought on “W-T-W Finance Honor Roll

  1. Pingback: Poor Protection Of Whistleblowers In Most Countries | W-T-W

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