The Two Top Jobs in Global Finance Will Soon Be Filled by Women

Here’s why that matters

Assuming that Janet Yellen is confirmed as the new Federal Reserve chair at some point in the next few weeks, an amazing thing will happen: the two most powerful jobs in the world of finance will be held by women. Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, is in charge of fostering global economic stability. Yellen would be the world’s top banker. That’s an amazing turn, especially considering that both of them are known for being tough on finance and financiers.
The Two Top Jobs in Global Finance Will Soon Be Filled by Women

The Two Top Jobs in Global Finance Will Soon Be Filled by Women

1 thought on “The Two Top Jobs in Global Finance Will Soon Be Filled by Women

  1. Pingback: Janet Yellen – die neue Herrin des Geldes | W-T-W

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